For Holy Week this Easter season we will be posting a daily resource to help us travel the road to the cross with Jesus. We have printed copies available well as a PDF copy if you would like to print one for yourself: CLICK HERE Beginning on Monday and running through Saturday, each day’s readings will include 4 sections–Listen, Reflect, Pray, and Follow. The Listen section will include a scripture reading from the Gospel of Matthew to focus on throughout the day. The Reflect section will include a devotional thought to reflect on regarding the scripture. The Pray section will include a guided prayer exercise to use during your daily prayer time. The Follow section will include a tangible way you can apply the truths from each day’s reading.
We hope and pray that this will draw you closer to Jesus as you journey with him on the road to the cross. We also want to encourage you to find 1 or 2 others to share your insights and thoughts with throughout the week and to share how you can be praying for and supporting each other. Also, we would love for you to share what God has been teaching and showing you throughout the week.