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You may have noticed that things look a little different around here. Well, that's because they are! We are in the process of changing a few things up and introducing a couple of new things to help people stay connected and informed at Canton 1st. 
Along with the website, we will be rolling out a church app in the coming weeks. The app will be a great way to stay up to date, take sermon notes, submit prayer requests, and even give remotely! We already have an online giving option through If you'd like any info on how to set up or give online, you can see Pastor Matt.
We will also be using a new church managament program called Breeze which will allow us to better track church activities and connection as well as give a central hub for registering for things such as VBS and similar events.
I am excited about all of the wonderful things we are experiencing here at Canton 1st and can't wait to see what God does next! Until then, keep taking the next right step and may Jesus be seen and known and loved "because of" us!
Pastor Matt